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Children become sociable at a very early age and by the age of two are usually ready to build relationships, play and learn with other young children and with some adults outside their immediate family circle.  


Plus Three Nurseries Ltd will encourage and build upon this social development in order that the child can make a smooth transition into full time primary education.


Our Aim is to provide an environment where learning is fun and a challenge to the inquisitive and active young child.   Children are taught individually and in small groups to develop their own intellectual, creative, physical and social abilities through stimulation within the classroom and outside.

Each week we plan our activities based on observations made on the individual child and around the child's interests.   The aim of this method is to continually plan for the individual child’s next steps of development and learning, based on the three prime areas and then four further specific areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage of education

Prime Areas – Communication & Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social & Emotional Development.

Specific Areas  –  Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts & Design.

All Plus Three Nurseries Ltd are registered with OFSTED for the care of children aged 2 to 5 years and are on the voluntary and compulsory part of The Childcare Register.   We have highly qualified and experienced members of staff in each of our Nurseries and work with high staff to children ratios.

If your household income is less than £16,190, some children may be entitled to 2 year old funding for up to 15 hours per week

Early Education is funded by the government when a child reaches the age of three

– between 1st January and 31st March - FUNDED from the following Summer Term


–between 1st April and 31st August - FUNDED from the following Autumn Term

– between 1st September and 31st December - FUNDED from the following Spring Term


Free entitlement funding may be used for any of the hours we offer at no additional cost.

- 15 hours free entitlement for 3 & 4 year old children term after their third birthday

- 30 hours free entitlement subject to meeting criteria.

To apply for targeted funding for 2 year old children please click here.

If you are a working family you can apply for your working families code click here 


Call us on-
07970 030769

Nursery Times

Nursery Times

9.30am - 12.30pm - Morning Session (both nurseries)

12.30pm - 1.00pm - Lunch club (both nurseries)

12.30pm - 3.30pm - Afternoon Session (Farley Wood - daily, Martins Heron Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri)


The nursery academic year is divided into three terms each with a one week half term break.

Academic Year Dates 2024/2025

Spring Term 2024
Tuesday 2nd January 2024 - Inset Day
Wednesday 3rd January - Thursday 28th March 2024 - Term Dates

Half Term Monday 12th February - Friday 16th February

Summer Term 2024
Half Term Monday 27th - Friday 31st May.

Thursday 2nd May - CLOSED Polling Day

Monday 6th May - CLOSED Bank Holiday
Tuesday 16th April - Monday 22nd July 2024 - Term Dates  

Autumn 2024

Inset Day - Wednesday 4th September 2024
Term Dates - Thursday 5th September - Friday 20th December 2024

Spring Term 2025

Inset Day - Tuesday 7th January 2025
Term Dates - Wednesday 8th January - Friday 4th April 2025

Summer Term 2025

Inset Day  - Tuesday 22nd April 2025
Term Dates - Wednesday 23rd April - Wednesday 23rd July 2025
Bank Holiday - Monday 5th May (Nursery CLOSED)

Children are accepted into the Nursery from the age of 2 years.  


1. Parents may register their child on the waiting list of one of the nurseries at any time.   

2. Available spaces in any one of the nurseries will be allocated at least half a term in advance using the following criteria:-

1st - To extend the number of sessions for children already attending the nursery where requested by their parents.   If available spaces are limited older children will be given a priority.  

In categories 2 to 6 below, priority will be given to children living in the area the community hall normally serves, which is:-

– for Farley Wood
Binfield Parish south of London Road and Popeswood
– for Martin’s Heron
the estates known as Martin’s Heron and The Warren


2nd - Intake of children with older siblings attending the Nursery to ensure they attend the same sessions.  

3rd - Intake of children cared for by a Registered childminder or family member who already brings other children to the nursery to ensure they all attend the same sessions.  

4th - Intake of children whose older siblings previously attended the Nursery.

5th - Intake of children living or cared for by a Registered childminder or family member in the area that the community hall normally serves.

6th - All other registered applicants.

Term dates

Congratulations to our
Principal Mrs Sue Butler
on winning the
Early Years Alliance
‘Belle Tutaev Lifetime
Achievement Award 2023’.

Sue Butler on winning the Early Years Alliance ‘Belle Tutaev  Lifetime Achievement Award 2
Sue Butler on winning the Early Years Alliance ‘Belle Tutaev  Lifetime Achievement Award 2

click to enlarge

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