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Extracts from our Policy Statements that can be found in our Policies and Procedures File, which is available for inspection at each of the Nurseries -


Children are expected to act with consideration towards other members of the Nursery.

The Nursery will observe the Exclusion Periods for children suffering from communicable diseases as recommended by the Department of Health. Parents are expected to notify the Nursery if their child has been infected.

Children with diarrhoea, vomiting or a high temperature must not be brought to Nursery until a clear period of 48 hours has elapsed.

All personal information concerning a child or family will be treated in the strictest confidence.

We encourage and use a multi-disciplinary approach to working with children with special educational needs. We will work in partnership with parents and specialist agencies in the best interests of the child.

We seek to identify children’s individual needs early to ensure these are met by the provision of appropriate learning opportunities.

The Nursery accepts all children regardless of their gender, race, colour, religious beliefs, ethnic or national status, cultural background, or family status. We aim to create a positive self-image in all children and any manifestations of prejudice, however or wherever directed, will be dealt with positively.

The protection of children from abuse or neglect is our first priority. The Principal and Nursery Manager are qualified to level 3 in safeguarding and refresh their qualification every 3 years.


All other staff are level one trained in Safeguarding children and complete annual refresher safeguarding training to comply with local safeguarding procedures, approved by the Local Safeguarding Board. 

Photographs are a valuable tool for recording and assessing children's activities and achievements at Plus Three Nurseries. Photographs will only be taken with your consent and with a Polaroid camera by staff that hold Disclosure & Barring Service certificate only. Staff, parents and visitors are not permitted to use their personal mobile phones in nursery or take digital images.


If parents and/ or carers have concerns relating to the nursery and its staff we positively encourage them to let us know so that the matter can be addressed.

1. Parents and/or carers can approach their child’s key person/buddy and express their concern verbally and, in the majority of cases, the matter can be resolved immediately and satisfactorily.

2. If the child’s key person/buddy is unable to resolve the matter, they will refer the Parent/ or Carer to the Nursery Manager who, in the majority of cases, will resolve the matter immediately and satisfactorily.

3. If the Nursery Manager is unable to resolve the matter, they will contact the Principal for advice. The Nursery Manager will respond verbally within two working days.

4. If the Parent or Carer is not satisfied with the response from the Nursery Manager they may formally complain to the Principal:

Mrs. Suzanne Butler, Principal,
Plus Three Nurseries Ltd,
Hope House, 21c Balliol Way, Owlsmoor, Sandhurst GU47 0QN
Mobile: 07970 030769  

5. All complaints made will be acknowledged within 48 working hours and fully investigated within a period of 14 working days. Your complaint will be responded to by email or by telephone. A record will be kept of the
complaint in the complaints/incidents file at nursery.

6. Any person may at any time, in any form, may complain to Bracknell Forest Borough Council early years team on Tel: 01344 312812.

7. Any person may at any time complain to Ofsted at: Tel: 0300 123 4666

8. Appropriate information from complaints will be available for inspection on request by parents.

9. All complaints documentation will be kept accessible for inspection by Ofsted.

Nursery Times

Nursery Times

9.30am - 12.30pm - Morning Session (both nurseries)

12.30pm - 1.00pm - Lunch club (both nurseries)

12.30pm - 3.30pm - Afternoon Session (Farley Wood - daily, Martins Heron Mon & Tues only)

The nursery academic year is divided into three terms each with a one week half term break.

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